Walking Under A Full Moon

so last night I wandered all the way from 8th & Broadway to 50th and Broadway under a full September Moon.....that took me up to Union Square (at 9:30 at night - positively teeming with people....) then up to the FlatIron building (my favorite building in NY)....I stood at the tip of it and looked up. Then it was on to about 10 or so blocks of wasteland....not too many people or cars - a little scary.....then up came 34th street and Macy's (nice windows - all the manikins in each window in black except for one in each window in red).

Finally, just as my feet were hurting and I was getting tired I started to see bright lights ahead and slowly came up on Times Square....very interesting - lots of people taking pictures....lots of cops (why?)...lots of tourists (I know why!).....

At the far end of Times Square I went down into the subway and got on the red line......went to 72nd and got off and sat down on a bench to catch the express.....a man on the other side of the tracks (on the downtown side) dropped a large pipe onto the tracks....it landed with a clang and everyone turned around to see what he would do...He hesitated and then jumped down to the tracks.... a collective sigh went up - several people said things like "don't do it!" or "you got to do what you got to do!"....he quickly picked up the pipe, put it on the platform and then scrambled back up....we all sighed with relief.....2 minutes later, a train rolled in.....

Just another beautiful night in Manhattan.....



Vixen said...

That's so beautiful. Welcome to the blogosphere:)

Poetic Justice said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Loved your writing. Hope to hear more from you

moonlightgirlsis said...

Felt as if I were there with you. Beautifully done, as always!